Overnight boarding service is unlike most kennels when you stay at Ridgewood Canine Camp.

All campers will enjoy daycare all day, before safely settling in for the evening in one of our spacious kennels. Our facility has top of the line Mason brand kennels, with welded wire gates to allow for open airflow.
Ridgewood Canine Camp has an on-site caretaker’s cottage. Long time employee, Jessie, lives on the property 24/7 with her husband.
Please send your dog’s food along so we can keep his/her diet consistent. You are also welcome to send any bedding, blankets, or toys. These items will only be in your dog’s personal kennel, but Ridgewood Canine Camp will not be held responsible for any chewed or damaged items. Please do not bring bowls from home as we will provide those.
Prior to a boarding reservation, we prefer your dog attend a few days of daycare. This allows your dog to become familiar with our staff and our environment.
One dog – $54/night*
Each additional dog of the same household is $44/night.
*Pickups after 11AM, there is a $30 charge for daycare.
Dogs may be dropped off and picked up anytime during our business hours.
Monday: 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
The lobby is closed completely on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. All other holidays, including Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Black Friday, the Day after Christmas, and New Year’s Day will be treated as a weekend and the hours will be 8 AM to 9 AM and 5 PM to 6 PM.
There is no minimum or maximum stay. Please plan ahead as our summer months and holidays FILL UP VERY FAST. Please call, text, or email to set up a reservation. If you need to cancel, please give us 48 hours notice. We almost always have a wait list and your timely cancellation will allow us to give that kennel space to another dog.
REQUIRED for All New Dogs
All dogs must be spayed/neutered (if over 6 months) and up to date on the following vaccines: Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella. Puppies must be a minimum age of 16 weeks. Temperament Tests are done by appointment and takes about an hour. The test is free and done without owners present. Please call to schedule your dog’s Temperament Test.
One-on-One Cuddle Time – $5
Who doesn’t love a good cuddle? Sign your dog up for a one-on-one cuddle time with a staff member. Perfect for those dogs who might need a little extra love and attention!
One-on-One Fetch/Toy Time – $5
Our staff will take your dog to a large private yard for 15 minutes of a rousing game of fetch or tug. A great way to burn off extra energy and give your dog some individual attention.
Enrichment Game – $5
What is dog enrichment? Simply put, enrichment allows dogs to be dogs! Dogs enjoy engaging in species-appropriate activities, such as sniffing, digging, chewing, and scratching. Our Enrichment Game will change each month so your dog can enjoy great mental stimulation.
Follow us on Facebook to learn this month’s enrichment activity!
PB Stuffed Kong – $2
Your dog will enjoy a frozen peanut butter packed Kong. Always xylitol free. This special treat is given to your dog during nap time to offer him/her a soothing way to relax.
Tuck In & Bedtime Story – $5
Available for overnight boarders only. Our staff will spend time with your dog at the end of a busy, fun day. Your dog will get to snuggle up and enjoy a story. Our staff will tuck your dog in with a blanket provided by you or us!
Texted Photo – $2
Receive a photo of your camper with his/her friends!
Birthday Package – $10
Celebrate in style! Your dog will have a birthday photo shoot and an individual Facebook shoutout. Your special pup will also enjoy a birthday enrichment game or cuddle time and a birthday cookie.
Apply Today
Fill out our online application to get started at Ridgewood Canine Camp.
See Our Facility
Take a virtual tour of Ridgewood Canine Camp.
Thrilled to Spend the Night